Quote Originally Posted by cairnswm
But it will fix the unit and class names Each version so far has had unit name chnage - and class name changes.

I just want something to start working with
Only class that has changed name so far is the phxWindow -> phxFrame because the Window class in the gui engine. I have no plans on changing any other names

Quote Originally Posted by cairnswm
Oh yes - I tried compiling some of the examples in Delphi and had a number of problems - can we please try and get this compatible for Delphi and FreePascal please.
Yeah, i know this, one compiler directive delphi doesn't like and a helper function in the sprite engine that currently uses overloaded operators.

No big stuff but havent had time to test it out in delphi yet.

I'm currently working on the paricle engine, it will be a hybrid between the GLX particle engine and the XParticle of apshyre. I felt the apshyre engine a bit limited in my own taste so i wrote a new one from scratch