1. Kids like to play and to create via playing
Loreley is a very creative girl. She loves sitting and drawing/painting. I think she will enjoy creating programs on the PC and this will be playing to her.

2. If you want your daughter to become a good programmer first teach her how the computer works (dont let her open it and hide her dolls there ).
She has been learning to use the PC since she was 18 months old. I probably need to show her waht files are so that she doesn't dmamage my stuff and can save/load her work.

4. Rule No2: be persistent. (even at 6 a kid should not mistake processor with RAM or harddisk )
At the moment she is clever enough to know what the screen, keyboard and CD are. She isn't going to understand enough to learn about CPU/RAM yet.

7. Rule No6: make her read a lot
She is only just learning to read.... She will read a lot when she knows how.

12. Rule No11: make her learn some foreign language
I am english and her mother is Afrikaans (we live in South Africa). She is already learning two languages.

Rule No.1 - How the computer works
Rule No.2 - How to use OS
She has taught herself that She loves using the windows interface and the educational program that are available are great for teaching the use of mouse and keyboard. My 2 year old son can use the mouse reasonably well.

Rule No.3 - Internet
To use the internet you need to know how to read. This is probably only relevant when she is about 8 or 9.

Rule No.4 - Games
she does

Rule No.5 - Programming - when she asks HOW, DADDY be there and answer with SIMPLE asnwers, it the answers are NOT SIMPLE, then tell her to accept things as they are
If you ask a 6 year old to accept them as is she will ignore it. She needs to either understand what it does or see the results of what she does. She needs a visible result to her actions.

When did you learn to program and how did you learn?

I learnt BASICA when I was about 12. It took me almost 9 years to move to Pascal.