Just don't handle the framerate at all...

You will never get an exact framerate (which says how much frames will be displayed in one second!) between 2 frames, cause you don't have a full second.

Just handle the time.

If, for example, a speed of +3 means, that your character moves, lets say 30 pixels (this of course can be exchanged with any vectorlength or whatever), then you know how much you have to move in 1/10 second, do you?

Got the idea?

Just set the speed to the amount of units (pixels or whatever) you want to move your char within a second.
Then you can calculate the time between the last and the current frame and multiply the speed with the result.

Char should run 50 pixels/second (Speed = 50)

Time between last and current frame = 0.043 sec

Move char 50*0.043 (=2.15) pixels this frame

You can handle your animations the same way!

Just exchange Speed with the animationframecount/second then.

Hope this helps...