>> var StarField : Array[0..STARS] of TStar;
Tstar is the problem. Where can I found code for Tstar class?
>> var StarField : Array[0..STARS] of TStar;
Tstar is the problem. Where can I found code for Tstar class?
It could just be a record:
TStar = record
X: Integer;
Y: Integer;
Size: Integer;
Speed: Integer;
Or something to that effect. You might want to have a look at Denthor's old tutorials. They're really old now (talking about DOS Mode13h, heh) but there's one on starfields: http://www.hornet.org/cgi-bin/scene-...search=Denthor -- find the 13th one and have a look in the file tutpro13.pas -- just ignore any asm that you see, if required.
"All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind."
<br />-- Aristotle