I'm busy making a few changes to allow the selection of SDL Rendering Contexts. Its still odd that in DX full screen is WAY (as in <10%) slower then windowed mode. The change to DIB did speed things up across the board. In the actual application I'm now pulling 50 FPS in full screen and 49 in windowed mode.

Any idea of what all the options that can be passed are? I've been searching around, but the kids arn't giving me the time required to discover them all yet . I think I'm going to build in a startup script that will let you setup all the different environment options if you so desire.

PS: When complete if I post up some source of a Lua and SDL test could someone try to cross compile it for Linux and see how it works. I would, but the HD in my old faithful Linux box finally shot craps .

EDIT: I almost forgot to say thanks greatly grudzio for the idea of forcing the render context. I just wish I knew why SDL didn't select the fastest context it could by default. Even if there is a way to select it from code that would be good