Alrighty, build number 6 (release 2) is now online via the same download links as above. You can either install a fresh copy over the old, or extract the patch overtop the old copy. Keep in mind that you will lose your current settings due to changes in the XML file's format.

  • Updated the interceptor AI a little
  • Difficulty tweaks
  • Now music can be deactivated.
  • Debugging/Logfile. Paste it in your post if you encounter an error.

You can get your average framerate from the log after shutting the game down. Most errors are logged (jda.log), but since I haven't taken the time to make the logfile universal through the project, I cannot catch each and every error. Please try it with the sound and paste any error codes in the log, then see if the game will run without the music.

I forgot to mention it, but F11 is "shuffle" the music and F12 is to take a screenshot.

VSYNC is off for the moment, so framerates should be high. I would appreciate seeing your average framerates if you don't mind.

The starfield may scroll a little faster now, but I really haven't made any tweaks to it whatsoever. That may be something I do in finalization which should happen next week.