I >SAW< your message, it wasn't hard at all!

Here's how we do it.

The problem is loss of motivation. That's the main reason that we've found to create "ALMOST games".

1. Make a checklist. You'll probably need a "gamedesign" first. It proves to be very effective agains motivation loss. You get some feedback when you check an item off the list, and you see how much more (but LESS) work till the game is "finished".

2. GET A TEAM! It is frustrating to do all the stuff by yourself if you're making "a more than a small game". From my experience it SUX to know that once the "engine" is done it's "only" GFX, SOUNDS, MUSIC and last but not (at all!) least THE STORY that needs to be done. On the other hand it feels GREAT when a member of your team asks you if your part is completed, because his/her part is, and they're waiting to go to the next phase of the project, whatever that might be. You can also use those "free" members to do other stuff, gather info for future projects, test the game,... all the time there's something new/else to do.

3. GET TESTERS. This however can be a "problem" as testers might drop a space-freighter-load of bug reports resulting in loss of the gamemaker's motivation. But you DO get the feedback and if you love making games it shouldn't be a problem.

4. THINK OF THE FUTURE. Are you making a game to get some "ka-chin-chin" or just because as far as the socienty you're surrounded with thinks it's cool. Money usually takes care of the "motivation business".

Hope it helps... It works with BojZGames.
