I must say I really like this game and I'm looking forward to see the final game.

Some few bugs I encountered while playing:

1# I don't know what happened but in the 4'th year and 8'th month when I pressed the 'End turn' button the game crashed. Windows told me that an error had ocurred and the game shut down. I haven't played the game again so I can't really tell you what happened

2# When I'm in the Market it doesn't seem to matter how much food,iron or wood I want to sell or buy. It just substract or add 5 when I press a button no matter what I've set the amount to.

3# When the king is so happy with me that I'm allowed to to summon a knight, it seems that I can summon as many as I want. I pressed the summon button 3 times (by the way it would be nice with a popup message that told me I had summoned a knight) and when I closed the King menu I had 3 knights. And since the knights apparently don't cost me anything at all, it can't be right that I can summon 3 so strong knights for free.

I hope you can use this information to improve your game. Anyway I can't wait to see how your final product is going to be. Good luck