:scratch: Yeah... I'd have to agree with you guys about not adding OpenAL. I use Noeska's OpenAL headers and I like 'em just fine. If I want to use SDL then I use JEDI-SDL. Best if we keep the two seperate.

The issue of OpenGL however is a bit cloudy to me though. SDL it's self makes use of OpenGL does it not? I mean it's a basic functionality of the standard SDL API, am I right?

If that is the case then supporting that functionality would make sense, but taking it further would, I think, only confuse the direction of the JEDI-SDL library in supporting the SDL API it's self.

As far as the rest goes though, I like the fact that there is an sdlutils unit that extends what function calls we get from the standard SDL dll/so. I think that extending it to have all the useful drawing and surface functions is an important task too. Game developers will automatically look for these things in ALL their graphics libraries so it's sort of a 'must' of sorts.