Feels like I've made a fair amount of progress last night..

I completed my state system so now I have a main menu and in-game screens.. (OK, so there's not going to be cheering in the streets) This means that I've now got the framework for a REAL Game.. in fact, the game plays properly now..

After choosing your difficulty level you go to :-
MissionInfo: Here you see details about the mission, your money and have options to Save, Quit, Configure team and Launch Mission.
Configure Team: here you have options to go back to the MissionInfo or Launch mission (after configuring your team of course)
Launch mission takes you into the game proper, you win or you lose.

VictoryInfo: Here you see the stats for your game, how much money you earned and how much you spent. The mission number is increased. You can only go back to MissionInfo.

DefeatInfo: Here you are humilliated in the cruelest possible way. The damage to your teamis assessed and any money you spent is deducted from your team total. You can only go back to MissionInfo.

When the mission counter reaches a certain point, you go to the AbsoluteVictory screen, then you can only go back to the Main Menu.

If you have no money left and you cannot go on.. you go to the GameOverScreen.. from there you can only go back to the Main Menu.

It doesn't seem like much, but this is the core of the game as far as the user is concerned. Without this, the game is nothing more than a tech demo and some pretty pictures. Now, there's a game to play and a predictable flow of screens to guide the user.