Real Name: Jason
Age: 33

I'm a full time professional Analyst Programmer. who by day writes .net stuff for a large company. But by night, it's a different story.

I've been coding for as long as I can remember, in all manner of languages.
I started on a ZX Spectrum 128, learnt Speccy Basic.. soon found it to be underpowered so I taught myself Z80 Assembler.
After that, I did a college course in C and started to write DOS games.. I felt a little annoyed by the amount of control C took away after having to control every aspect of the machine in Z80.
Things took a little turn for the worst when I started learning Database languages.. although I did try to write a game in Foxpro, it never really took off.
VB5 and VB6 came along, I started writing games in those.. Never wrote a game in .net though.. It's a business language.

Then I discovered DELPHI!!! (cue Angelic AAAhhhhhh ) Actually, Technomage introduced me to it. Then after a few failed attempts at getting something written in Delphi, I decided to do some DelphiX tutorials and started the Cerebral Bicycle Company.

Later I began writing my own Game Engine foundation classes for a 2D platform game which got WHAAAAY Too complicated too soon, but left me with a fairly comprehensive set of classes.. which I left on my hard disk for the next 4 years getting code rot.

I did some C++ with the Torque engine, learned a lot and attempted another couple of grossly over specced projects and nearly gave up on the whole shebang.

Then Borland released TurboExplorer which rekindled my spirits, I resurrected the CBCFoundation code and began again on a game which I WILL FINISH!!!!!

I consider myself a good all rounder, I'm a fairly good coder, OK at graphics and dabble in music.

There.. That's the quick & Ugly story.. there is more, but this thread is long enough and I've come close to saying "And I remember when all this was fields"