Okidoki, after this post I recognized that there is something new on one of my rivals in the last competition (nope, I think there was no news entry on that Dom).

I've downloaded the latest version and played it right now...

First comments:

- It looks much more like a real game to me now! Good work! The competition entry had too much of like a "proof of concept" thing.

- The graphics are well made (but I still don't like the pickups). Pickups look too comic-like. They don't fit to the rest of the graphics which are made quite realistic

- There were pickups I was not able to pick up.... and I don't know why.

- It's a little hard to keep an overview of your stats (life etc) and keeping an eye on your doings. Maybe it's me, maybe it's the positioning of the HUD. Don't know.

- and yes, like Dominique said.... one life is a little short gameplay. I was happy to reach first kind of boss... it killed me and GAME OVER. Hmmm.. Just try to let the player have a chance on trying out some tactics etc.... one or two more lives will help here.... (I know, in TANX the player had just one life, too.... so I am one of the last who can find fault on this )

This were justsome thoughts about this version..... but hey, it's very FINE! So this few things changed and you have one more potential customer for a shareware or commercial game.... So please take this as a very positive criticism!!

Very good work so far. Finish it to a complete game!
