A small update: there are ok and cancel buttons on the relevant form to contain the new tab. However, the creators of the system left the default "x" button at the window top-right too. The access violation only occurs when the x button is clicked (which is actually pretty likely, since that's the standard way to close most windows) but not when the ok or cance/l buttons are used. Thus, I feel more confident -- that kind of badness (forgetting to remove the x button from a window where necessary) implies that this may not be me messing up but the people who wrote the system. Although I'm probably still doing something wrong.

So, the question is now: why is the program giving me a runtime 216 error if I use a webbrowser component? I know that 216 errors sometimes happen in Delphi-written programs when *I think* an exception is raised in the finalization section where the default exception handler isn't around any more. Uh, something like that.

Someone must have used the pain that is VB - any idea about the 216 error?