Ok did a little quick reading on that page. Thanks Legolas.

Well I don't think I'll have too many problems releasing a GP2X version of Garland's Quest once FPC makes it one of it's targeted platforms.

It's not all that physics intensive, just simple stuff using OpenGL. SDL will be supported, bonus. I'm still thinking about sound solution at the moment. I'm strongly considering Ogg under OpenGL, however I much prefer the power I get from MODs and MOD playback so I'd like to push that in the future.

[size=9px]Oh and just an fyi for those reading this thread, I AM continuing my multi-sound API capable, OpenMOD playback library. Thats right, it is NOT going to be tied directly to ANY sound API so it's completely portable to either OpenAL, DirectSound, etc... Which is great for porting to platforms like this.[/size]

Anyone know anything about how we'd hook the controls on this thing though? I guess SDL would figure this out for me? That actually would be great!