Damn! Is it jst me or does Silicon not want ppl to download OpenGL ? Iv been googling for a while and I can't find a single place where they offer a download as a Pascal library!

On here http://www.thefreecountry.com/sourcecode/graphics.shtml, they seem to have 100 graphics libraries, but not OpenGL; in this link http://www.trolltech.com/campaign/go...FSLQYAodeB6VPA they talk about it, but it's for C++ (is it the same for both?). The most convincing I found was on http://www.simulation.com/products/g...FQLYYgodamDLDQ, but OpenGL Studio doesn't seem to be right, is it?
I couldn't believe that on http://www.sgi.com or even on http://www.opengl.org, they don't have it!

Btw, am I looking for OpenGL Multipipe, Vizserver, Volumizer or Performer? there are so many!

Help! Please!