PTCPas is a lowlevel 2D graphics toolkit by Nikolay Nikolov that provides you with a frame buffer; it allows you to write portable software for go32, Windows and Unix:
It is shipped with FPC.
PTCPas is a lowlevel 2D graphics toolkit by Nikolay Nikolov that provides you with a frame buffer; it allows you to write portable software for go32, Windows and Unix:
It is shipped with FPC.
All you need is Pascal OpenGL headers and latest drivers for your graphics card. If you use FPC, the headers are already included wit the compiler. Another set comes with JEDI_SDL ( And yet another headers can be found at
You don't need to download OpenGL. It is already on your system.
Just a "uses opengl;" in your program should be enough to use OpenGLIsn't that great! Well, I jst downloaded the JEDI_SDL thing from the link grudzio gave me because I heard it was very useful.
If I get it, I should use this instead of the Graph header files that I used to use and will improve the performance of my programs immensly because it uses the graphics card which Graph didnt use, is that right?
Im sorry if Im annoying with all those questions, but it's very hard to learn something like that from scratch, you know. And you guys who are very good at it can't be bothered with such basic questions... :cry:
I'd like to ask jst 2 more questions on this thread, please answer me.
I read somewhere that the C++ version and the Pascal version of OpenGL are very similar. Does that mean if I find a tutorial for openGL in C++, I can use the same in my pascal projects?
For example, I found this very nice site, but I don't know if it's worth going through.
The other question, which is similar, is : Do you know of a great tutorial to learn about OpenGL? What about one that has a list of all its functions and procedures, with what they do and stuff (that would be very useful)? :?
Correct.Originally Posted by IlovePascal
Yes, but don't worry, you will learn, OpenGL isn't that difficult.Originally Posted by IlovePascal
Yes, this tutorial looks pretty usable. They code in C, not C++ though. Using OpenGL from Pascal is indeed very similar to using it from C.Originally Posted by IlovePascal
I just know there are many on the internet, but can't recommend one. Check out The Sheep Killer, great example to write a game in FPC, and it uses OpenGL ( Posted by IlovePascal
What nonsense am I talking now?! There is a good opengl tutorial specifically for FPC: Posted by dmantione
Another good sites are and
If you want OpenGL API reference, then search for the 'bluebook'.
The english version of dmantione's link
is exactly what I was looking for!
As for grudzio, I will use your advice later on cos it seems a little more advanced.