Oh the bugs...

With any amount of refactoring, bugs crop up. Bits missed, bits which now work differently.

One of the oddest bugs I've encountered is the immortal penguins which appear to die, but then continue walking.. it's actually kindof eerie.

My Mini-gun is working fairly well. I'll post some screenys soon showing the bullets and the massivly oversized minigun. The bullets I'm using at the moment would be better suited to the heat-ray weapon. So I'm in the process of drawing some new bullets. It should look quite cool.

I've got a couple of bugs where the barrel isn't rotating as it should and there's a bug in my angle calculations, but I'm confident that I'll have those sorted soon... well, as soon as the party season is over anyway

Anyone who's considering refactoring their code.. be prepared for the emptiness.. especially if you had got something working before and now you've got to pick it apart to make it technically better whilst getting the same result you already have.. I find it to be quite soul destroying, all the extra work just to get to the same point. It feels like Sisyphus's punishment. But once you're past that, if the new structure is better, you can do more than was possible before. But it's hard to push past that empty feeling.