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Thread: "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

  1. #1

    "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    I have several loops and brances in which I'm using "<> nil" to check if the object reference is valid or an end of linked list have been found. But, I know "is" works in the same way, and at the same time is makes a type check. I'm thinking on changing all my "<> nil" comparisons by "is". Is it a good idea, or does the operation spends more processor cycles??

    By the way, Happy New Year to the PGD staff and members, just in case I don't post anything later

  2. #2

    Re: "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    [quote="cronodragon"]I have several loops and brances in which I'm using "<> nil" to check if the object reference is valid or an end of ]

    i'd say they are most likely both branched, so you should make a speedtest..
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  3. #3

    "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    My understanding is that [pascal]<> nil[/pascal] is faster due to it being a a simple pointer test, while [pascal]is[/pascal] would incurr more RTTI calls.

    As it has already been said, write a test app to be certain.
    <br /><br />There are a lot of people who are dead while they are still alive. I want to be alive until the day I die.<br />-= Paulo Coelho =-

  4. #4

    "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    hmmm... I've been using

    [pascal]if not (obj = nil)[/pascal]

    is this slower than [pascal]if obj <> nil[/pascal] ?

  5. #5

    "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    Try compiling the code below and open the CPU window to inspect the generated assembly:

    [pascal]procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    p : tobject;
    p := nil;
    if p is TForm then
    Tag := 1;
    if Assigned(p) then
    Tag := 3;
    if p<>nil then
    Tag := 4;
    if not (p = nil) then
    Tag := 5;

    "is" generates a call to a function that tests the rtti-class.
    The other variants generated identical code: a simple test and branch.

    So "is" is slightly slower, the others are identical.
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  6. #6

    "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    This is good to know. Cheers.

  7. #7

    "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    Quote Originally Posted by savage
    My understanding is that [pascal]<> nil[/pascal] is faster due to it being a a simple pointer test, while [pascal]is[/pascal] would incurr more RTTI calls.
    The difference is subtle, but "is" is implemented by analysing the virtual method tables, not the runtime type information. So, if you want to avoid RTTI bloat, you can still safely use "is".

    "Is" is certainly slower than a nil check.

  8. #8

    "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    Quote Originally Posted by jasonf
    hmmm... I've been using

    [pascal]if not (obj = nil)[/pascal]

    is this slower than [pascal]if obj <> nil[/pascal] ?
    This is an easy optimization, most compilers will generate the same code for both, including FPC. However, especially in complex bollean expressions, it can be good forr eadibility to remove some parenthesis.

  9. #9

    "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    well, the
    [pascal]if not (obj = nil)[/pascal]
    needs the parenthesis and won't work any other way because the compiler needs the expression being reveresed by the not to be evaluated to a boolean value and the only way that happens is by putting it in parenthesis.

    in the same way as
    [pascal]if a>10 or a<5[/pascal]
    doesn't work


    [pascal]if (a>10) or (a<5)[/pascal]

    not very easy to read, but required.

  10. #10
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    "is" versus "<> nil" on speed?

    Funny, I often find the parenthesis makes it easy for me to read the code.
    Jason McMillen
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