Ok, as of right now, I'm using the simple Old_X and Old_Y method, so when they collide (after collisions check after moving) it's reset to the old values that are re-stored before the movement before collision checking.

For the moment, the objects and the player are just a simple square box, but even then you can see the spaceinbetween them when it collides.

Even setting PixelCheck to true with all of them, doesn't change a thing, it still ends up the same gap.

Is there anyway to fix this up?, most of the game objects will be square or it won't matter too much, but the player and some of the enemies will likely not be so I need to make the collision detection a bit more precise.

I read the stuff on the website, but it doesn't exactly go into much theory as to the mathematics behind the different forms . Or it's easier than I think and i'm completely missing the point lol.