it always bases it off the bottom not the top.
Uhh... what do you mean. :eh: can you show to me (somehow) how the bounding box is created when you use my function.

I'll probably need some code before i can solve the sprite bounding box problem. The creation and draw code would be usefull as well.

plz notice that I might be unable to solve this problem, I haven't used DelphiX for a long time. :?

A workaround for the font problem...

For each text or label in the game, you could create a TDirectDrawSurface.
Fill the surface with a color (e.g black) and set this color as the surface's transparent color.
Then use TextOut to draw a text.
And draw the surface using TDirectDrawSurface.Draw on the main DXDraw.Surface.

It's slightly harder to code, but when succesfull this technique allows you to perform many operations and effects on you text. You can rotate, scale and wave the text using the various drawing functions. Be carefull though.. these DelphiX drawing functions are totally software-based and are rather slow. UnDelphiX has hardware accelerated graphics, so you better use that if you want cool FX.

Good luck