Ouch, that's not nice at all.

I have had such errors on the odd occasion in different places, it's kind of random which is odd.

The only thing I can think (For now I doubt it's anything to do with UnDelphiX) is the midi music.

Especially the one that plays on the menu screen, it seems to load up kinda slow and if you try stopping or basically cutting it out before it starts, I often get it whinging about an error at me for it.

Try giving it another go, but when on the menu screen, give the music a little time to load and start up and let me know if it keeps happening.

P.S. I'm about to start working on my pre level init and drawing functions, not sure whether I'll have the data in the main map file, or in a seperate but related named file, but it's basically to display user lives or information, the objective type for the level/map and how many of each if any type of blocks you need to collect.

I'm also hoping I can have some space decdated to a custom text message for the pre-level screen, just not sure how I will handle wrapping it inside the window lol.