Looking back I must laugh at this, since it really has little significance. In determining the future, maybe so, and in the present, sorta. I've been saying conserve energy for years, turn the lights out when you leave the room, etc, and not just for monetary reasons.

I wasn't worried about specifying where I got my information from, cragwolf, since you obviously would heckle it regardless of if I stated it were creationist in origin or not. I've had this argument repeatedly with coworkers, people with Master's Degrees and Ph.D.'s too, and actually fought them into a position of indecision upon the matter. We had some very entertaining and eventful debates over the lunch table, we're quite the multi-national bunch.

You need merely have asked for where I got the information, rather than assume I hid it. I made no effort to hide my tracks whatsoever; I copied the text verbatim. Google or Creative Commons (perhaps) would've located it in the blink of an eye and there you'd be.

It's because of individuals such as yourself, Cragwolf, that I decided not to become a scientist, researcher, or even programmer such as in C++ as I'd have to be (that or Java/C#). Because when the theory (or project) outweighs objectivity to the point that any shred of a clue makes it worthwhile or 'valid', there is nothing I can do to dissuade the illusion. The Church of Darwinism is quite the monster when it comes to stomping out any conflicting sciences, although most frequently the researchers in the forefront of it will actually admit there is no evidence whatsoever supporting their theory.

I don't have the faith required to believe in evolution, Darwinism, or old earth theories. Nor global warming for the time being -- it was quite cold up in Montana when I lived there.

Of course if you live within range of the sea and worry about property damage within the next twenty years, why not move inland, chicken little?

And yes I am so entirely uneducated to forget the side of science known as peer review, or 'double checking', or 'verification'. The Truth Behind An Inconvenient Truth, courtesy of the NCPA. In point of fact they have an entire category upon Global Warming. I don't typically comprehend all of the science behind an idea, but I typically trust private organizations dedicated to reviewing and verifying the various rogue theories out there. You might also check their "Myths of Global Warming" article while you're there.