Hell why am I speaking english? We're both dutch Well for the other forumpeople I guess

Saving stuff in a temporary spot might be a solution, but then again, it would leave the class system. How would an object about the game know there is something like a filesystem? I know it might be nitpicking, but since it's my hobby I want to try and follow the rules haha

We're partially on the same track for as far actors are concerned. I was thinking of extending the Actor object with an array of TMapAppearances or some other goofy name. This would be an object having a FMap field, x and y coords etc. When initializing the appearances the map would be notified as well about this character. It would allow the use of one actor all the time you need a certain character. Hell, let's say there is a rogue who accompanies you while he can use you. Suddenly he'll take off with your stuff. Later on in the game, you might face him, kill him and regain your stuff.

I just realize that action ofcourse will be kept to one room (except for scripts then), so the TGame object will have an ActiveMap identifier. Now I am wondering if this is the right way. I might be wrong, but if I am right a group would have to use the ActiveMap, cycle through it's characters, determine if a person is in it's group, and then do the thinking. Going through it's own array would take ages once the game gets big (Lots of actors, lots of maps, so 2 nested for-loops). I think this can be done more efficient, but how?