Just a quick update again :
Progress is coming along nicely (as suspected) and right now I'm mostly working on polishing so that I can soon start to add the missing rest of the content to release the demo. This means I'm working on all that small things players won't directly notice but which are important to have a nice gameflow.

Over at my blog I did several updates and also uploaded some new pictures of buildings along with some new screenshots.

And here is one you right now can't see on my blog as it's still a work-in-progress :

As you can see I have repalced the huge water-only plane with something more sophisticated as the water-only background looked to bland and to sterile. So now you'll have different 3D basins for each different nation. The one on the shot is the first one and will be for the new asian nation, but it's also still just a work-in-progress, the one on my HD is also a bit more detailled.

And almost forgot it : I recently released an in-game video over at the german Delphi-OpenGL-Community that shows the game in action. I didn't post it overe here at PGD cause the whole interface is in germa, but if you're still interested gab it here (13 MBytes, WindowsMedia format).
Note that it's already "kinda" outdated and misses some changes I recently made but already shows a lot of the game. Also please respect that I don't want this to be posted elsewhere or uploaded onto pages like youtube!

I would update this one more often, but time sadly permits, so you won't find each update from my blog here.