Hi seiferalmasy,

To answer you're 'is it normal question'... that depends on what your application is doing. The web server software I built for the on-line game I run regularly breaks the 500MB barrier (The highest I've seen it use is around 750MB) on physical memory because it caches the compiled scripts that generate the pages and theres a lot of pages with some very big scripts.

Whether its normal for your application will depend on what it is you're loading into memory.... if you're loading say 15MB of content, then the answer is probably yes, its normal and given most machines these days have bags of memory its not really anything to worry about (Delphi 5 sitting with no projects/files open is at this very moment chewing it way through 10MB of memory). But if you're only loading 2MB of content and the apps usage is growing steadly as its running, then its possible you have a memory leak which will of course need to be addressed.