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Thread: First Vista experience

  1. #11

    First Vista experience

    Quote Originally Posted by savage
    Why do we continue to accept that first release software should be buggy?

    We don't expect it from car manufacturers so why software?
    You actually do have a point! It has become a tradition to expect Windows to break after the initial release.

    I myself remember installing WinXP with fingers crossed and it failed to install multiple times - I managed to install it properly by avoiding to change locale and keyboard layout, leaving default options. I can recall similar experience with Windows 98 too.

    The difference is: upgrading to new OS was almost necessary back then, while now it's not needed. [1]

  2. #12

    First Vista experience

    I have been running Vista Final for about a month now (Got it though my job). I havent had any problems installing it. I run some beta drivers for my geforce 6800 and havent had any problems. For my old soundblaster live card I had to install some third party drivers which took me an hour to find but now its running great. All my other software except my virusscanner installed and runs fine.

    Performance of my graphics apps is lower windowed but in fullscreen it makes no difference. This is the same for al my opengl based games. DirectX games seem to run a bit slower.

    The interface looks nice, but its nothing I havent seen before on the my minimac with OSX before for the last few years. There is indeed a LOT of stuff (menu`s,buttons and other options) that in my opinion are not needed and slow down your productivity. Also a lot of config stuff has been "hidden" and can be hard to find. I probebly just have to get used to it just like the new office. Once you know it it works great. Been workin with XP for 5 or 6 years now.

    I am not going to say anything about the security of vista , simply because I havent had a virus, trojan or any kind of that stuff for years! I think most of these things can be avoided easily without any kind of security. I think with a bit of clear thinkin even regular people can avoid most these things. You dont open mail from strangers, dont click links you dont trust, dont download stuff that could be infected and always scan before opening.

    I think overal Vista is a nice OS but for now I only use it to test compatibily for the software that I make for work or hobby. I know most things about XP and I dont see much new stuff about Vista that wants to make me switch completely at the moment. There probebly is some great new stuff in vista, but nothing I need for now.

  3. #13

    First Vista experience

    Great article. It makes my think of Vista as the Windows ME... just a fancy version of a previous succesful version (like 98, and now XP). Like that system it will probably be overrided by the following Windows. Isn't Microsoft working on the next Windows now?

  4. #14

  5. #15

    First Vista experience

    Quote Originally Posted by cronodragon
    Isn't Microsoft working on the next Windows now?
    not that I know of, but it has a research team working on a new, managed OS called Singularity....

  6. #16

    First Vista experience

    I actually used Vista for the first time this weekend.. a mate's got it on his spanking new ninja beast PC..

    It runs my Guns Demo perfectly.. including the music, which oddly enough, doesn't work properly under XP.

    But, I really don't like how it hides everything. I couldn't find anything. I'm sure it's a getting used to it thing, but I really struggled to find where the Guns installer had unzipped the setup files.

    I wasn't overly impressed with the performance of the old DelphiX demo.. for such a monster PC, it didn't zip the way I thought it would. That could be because it's designed for hardware accellerated games and Guns is not..

    I'll have to see how it copes with Guns Reloaded.

  7. #17

    First Vista experience

    It looks nice and all, but i don't fancy having to upgrade my machine just to look at some pretty GUI effects; As a student i find the price is *very* inhibitive - $190 for an academic upgrade..i don't make that in a week. I'd much rather just buy a copy of APC for $10 and install the Linux distro on the cover DVD.

    Maybe when i graduate and i can actually afford to buy a new machine i'll look at it..but until then..It's Linux all the way for me.

  8. #18

    First Vista experience

    What's monad like? please tell me it's better than the version of command prompt that comes with Win2K; I'm using it at the moment and it's sooooo ssslloooowwww :cry:

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