Alright, I'm 3_of_8, real name... wait a second... there it is: Manuel Eberl. I'm 16 years old and, you might already have thought so, male.

I live in Dingolfing, small 18000 inhabitants town down in Bavaria, Germany. I'm Top 25 Poster in the biggest German Delphi forum, DelphiPRAXiS, and I'd carefully call myself an "advancer", so I'm no noob anymore. (At least not in many categories)

I'm kinda good at school and, again said carefully, think my English is... not bad. Additionally to school I'm studying computer science at the FernUniversit?§t Hagen (some kind of university which send the material to you). Therefore my knowledge of math is slightly higher than average and also computer science in theory is one thing I know a little about.

I don't try to get better in a specific category, I just try what I like to do. I had some easier projects such as small 2D-games, a very, very simple script parser (one of my very first projects, I learned much with that) and, something which is a little more difficult, a program which can convert text to short sinus tones and output them as WAVs. Well, not that hard, but I also implemented a FFT along with a DFT to decode the WAV-File to text again, and it worked even when being sent through 3 speakers and microphones and transferred with Skype one after another. This requires knowledge of Divide-And-Conquer, matrices, vectors, complex numbers and much coffee.

Anyway, I'd call this project (MechaChess, PGD-entry in progress) the most... challenging one. I still don't know how to do many of these things, such as terrain texture blending for the surfaces, physics, model loading and, the most difficult of all, AI. Writing a mech AI is hard. Writing a chess AI is very hard. Writing good ones of each is extremely hard. Writing both is insane.

However, if it will ever be finished, it will KICK ASS.

EDIT: Alright, I'm a noob in OpenGL. I can write Delphi, Java, PHP, JavaScript. I can also do HTML, XHTML and LaTeX. And of "real" languages I can speak German as native language and English. I'm trying to learn some Swedish, too.

I love watching Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis and other science fiction series and I do Ju Jutsu, some kind of martial art.