Hmmm, nice idea, Warhammer like thingie on the PC.

Ofcourse, yo do realise that you WOULD need a collision detection, because what would happen if a player (accidentally) told a unit to move inside another unit? That shouldn't be possible....

Anyway, I'd also go with plain old 2d, because I am getting sick and tired of games putting 3d in there, just because 3d exists. In most cases, unless it serves a gameplay aspect, 3d is unnecessary and will only unnecessarily slow PCs and performance. A good example(IMHO) of this is Neverwinter Nights, they should've just stuck with the good old 2d INfinity engine, but they made it 3d, which makes it run very badly on my PC, and I've seen it on other PCs, and the graphics have NOT become better since BG 2.

((Nevermind that rant about NWN, though. I do believe however, that you should seriously do it in 2d. It simplifies things, and it can give cooler graphics...))