Hi Guys, I've uploaded another example of Chrome with XNA, this time it's a 3D WWI ( I think ) animated tank. It is based on a sample from http://creators.xna.com.

You can download the current demo from
http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com...eAnimation.zip ( about 23MB due to large textures and the crappy content pipeline format ), and if you have XNA runtimes installed it includes an exe for you to see it in action.

I have taken the aforementioned sample and enhanced it slightly with the following capabilities :
* Left and Right arrows turn the steering left and right.
* Up and Down arrows give the tank velocity and move it ( not working correctly ).
* Moving the mouse Left and Right rotates the turret 360 degrees
* Moving the mouse Forward and Backwards raises and lowers the Turret.

It is while working with this sort of 3D stuff that make me feel inadequate. I really need to sort out my lack of knowledge of 3D maths with regard to rotations and transformations.

For example I would like allow the user to drive the tank around, but I don't know how to work out the correct model rotation and position based on the steering angle and the velocity of the model.

If anyone can point out how I can do this in simple child like maths terms, that would be great.