I really have to argue the other side of this. If their native tongue is Spanish then why would they think to upload the game in any other language? There is nothing in the rules that states that entry's must be in English. In fact, I've seen Spanish, Russian, and many other languages utilized here on the boards. Sure, its difficult to play a game or run an installer in a different language, but its not impossible.

Unless a language is specifically stated in the rules of the competition, you can't hold this against the entrant. Utilize any of the translation pages and see if you can't get something from it. Yes, its an inconvenience, but don't blame the entrant.

We, commonly run into this when we do contests and sweepstakes for our customers. Unless we specifically state that the content needs to be in a given language, its our responsibility to either have it translated or take appropriate action to have a native reader/speaker judge the entry.

Sorry guys, and gals, but this isn't the entrants problem. Its very arrogant to call English the universal language. Actually, there are plenty of other languages that are as common (if not more common) then English. Spanish, Standard Chinese, Canadian Indian (I don't think I spelled that one properly) to name a few. I will grant you that English is considered a universal language, course so is Latin.

A reasonable request would be to have some translated screenshots or callouts that aid in your playing the entry. Also a translated version of the readme could be requested, but according to the rules, not demanded.