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Thread: It's a bit Quiet here today...

  1. #11

    It's a bit Quiet here today...

    Yeah, it's really quite but not only around PGD here but globally for pascal (game) dev. A lot of good coders I know either already switched to other languages (mainly C#. and together with the new Visual Studio it's a good choice over Delphi) or are at least wanting to switch and I myself dunno if my next project will be made using Delphi (I mostly miss and real progress within Delphi itself, most releases don't bring any cool stuff for game coders like additions to the language itself).

    Other than that I'm spending almost all the time I can spare (which is right now that much due to real life) on Project "W" and started to assemble a narrated video that I finally want to get out. I already recorded around 15 minutes of fully narrated (english, by myself) material but I fear that I'll have to cut down in order to have a video with reasonable length and size. But I think I'll have it finished and uploaded before the weekend.

  2. #12
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    It's a bit Quiet here today...

    Quote Originally Posted by jasonf
    I've no idea about the lack of enthusiasm, perhaps people are just mad busy working on their entries.. but with the spate of Blogs that cropped up, I was sure there'd be some new stuff to read...
    Well the main thing that concerns me is not only the lack of posts, but that submissions for the PGD Annual this year went from:

    28 to 18 to 13...

    I'd seriously like to see more teams coming back to submit. Or at least show some sign of activity. I know a handful had time/work issues getting something togetherso those aren't so bad. But those that went silent... What happened to you?

    Eric, NecroSOFT, Mindnever, William?

    Quote Originally Posted by jasonf
    How do you mistake a muffin for a carrot?
    It was a carrot muffin. :? I broke open a muffin to eat it and saw that there was some green in it. I though sh** I just waisted 4 bucks on muffins that are bad. (got a whole tray of em.) looked at it more and broke op-en another muffin and read the package to see if it was actually supposed to be like that.

    This after having eaten most of one. I only noticed after one of the carrots still had some orange in it... crap I ate a bad one... turns out they are all bad. :? Green carrots anyone?
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  3. #13

    It's a bit Quiet here today...

    It's hard to believe that so many entrants really quit... The prizes are just awesome this year.... Even if I would miss a stage, I would go on when I have the time, just to keep the little chance to get one of the prizes...

    Anyhow... I will post a progress video soon (when my jump car works good enough to be shown ^^).
    <a href=";utm_medium=badge_game"><img border="0" alt="GGE" title="GGE" src=""></a>

  4. #14

    It's a bit Quiet here today...

    I think you're fairly safe with green carrots, they're just not ripe yet.. stay away from brown or black carrots though, they're rather nasty but you'd have noticed before you even got near it :lol:

    I also would like a lot of the teams who've kept themselves quiet for whatever reason to check in, you never know, we might be able to help out if they've got a technical issue.. this isn't a cut throught competition, I've got no problems helping people if they ask. (as long as I have enough time)

    I'd also like some of the people who feel like they can't continue to have a really long look at their project, perhaps scale it down a bit and finish it.. I've only been able to spend a few hours a week on my game.. If I've got time, anyone has.

    I for one am looking forward to finishing my game, even if it doesn't get placed so I can say "Look, I made that!" completing the game and being able to show it off to others is more important to me than coming 1st. Yeah Yeah, I know... it's vanity

  5. #15
    Legendary Member cairnswm's Avatar
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    It's a bit Quiet here today...

    I'm still planning on getting an entry in for the compo.

    Just training at the moment is making me really tired. This weekend I run the Long Tom Ultra Marathon ( of 56kms. And then I'm away. So my real work on my entry will actually truly start in early may after the Swazi Extreme Adventure race while training slows down before the comrades marathon.
    William Cairns
    My Games: (Currently very inactive)
    MyOnline Games: (Currently very inactive)

  6. #16

    It's a bit Quiet here today...

    I'm busy with other stuff mostly, aside from a few periodic snide remarks, you know, the usual lurker activities. Haven't had time at all for anything pascal related, let alone game design related. Such is life periodically.

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