Hmm... I created my Win/Lin window manager through pain and sweat, plunging through a lot of unknown, reading good manuals and obscure sources... Maybe I'll be able to help someway.

Most of the functions are gathered in one dynamic library. I use, it's the analog of Win's opengl32.dll.
The most important is the GLX extension (a replacement of wgl*). AFAIK, FPC should have a "glx" unit, I can't remember exactly because I use my own modification of all the OpenGL header modules.

My code for creating the window and initializing OpenGL could be seen here:
Of some interest to you may be the
ex.:[pascal]Procedure TCLWindow.SwapBuffers;
{$ifdef unix}
glXSwapBuffers(Display, WindowHandle);
all the *.h and *.inc are included in cl_hub.pp, which uses x , xlib, xutil, dl that are needed by the window manager.

A rough and somewhat incomplete stuff, but it should give you a insight. Because it's a live thing that works.

In short, as I understand it, the aforementioned Lazarus component was created for people to avoid this horror altogether. Probably all you need to work with opengl in linux is attach the opengl unit.