-12: -0.42 to -0.27?
-5: -4.91 to 1,51!!!
Axillary - -17 to 70
The sensors are not present or are of type not supported by your monitoring software that shows you water level in the Mars oceans instead. Disable monitoring for these.

Cpu - 41 to 55!
55 is a normal working temperature for CPUs. I'd start to worry if it went above 65.

HDD - 32 - 44
As a sysadmin in a lab of PCs I can say that some models (namely, Maxtors) work at 50 or even 55C without any problems.

One more thing, my harddrive (samsung ij120hd, 120 gb) shows: Reallocated sector count, backup and replace - this is a phisical error, so it's fatal.
Then it's not a good idea to continue using that HDD. It means its reserve sector pool it uses to transparently relocate bad sectors is full. Usually happens when hard drive is on its last breath, so you'd better backup your data and replace the hard disk.

Also, it is extremely unadvisable to move, not to say tilt, a PC when it's on.