And Soviet Union was ruled by the leaders which didn't care about people.
Sorry to disappoint you, but they *did* care. Problem is, they lost the touch with their "customers" needs and tried to enforce their own views of what is best. Just like M$ today.

I think Micorsoft cares about its customers
They *think* they care, but in fact they live so isolated lives at their campus that they lost the ties to the real life. They just don't comprehend how one could *not* have 3Gb RAM and a broadband Internet.

Even the Windows XP (2001) which is used today on most of the machines needs *twice* as much resources to run the same tasks smoothly than the much newer Linuxes (2005-2006) do. But Vista is reported to be much, much worse. The gargantuan system requirements and DRM complexities will sink this Titanic sooner or later - see the harrowing stories at . Many customers prefer to stick to the old good XP, others get fed with ms and move to Ubuntu.

Now, if M$ did a smart move and base their next one on Unix like Apple did... :roll:

So, in this perspective FPC is the best.
By installing the fpc_crosswin32 package, you can easily develop Windows applications in Linux. You can even build and package Win32 and Linux versions from one script.

Other than that, most of the Win32 applications compiled in both Delphi and FreePascal run in Linux without any problems.