bigsofty, FNX:

Cool. Thanks.


I've not used FPC/Lazarus so at present I dont know if it will comple or not. I've managed to condense things to just two units:

GVApi.pas - the core API which is interfaced based. If FPC can handle the interfaces the way Delphi does then this should compile.

GVFramework.pas - the OOP layer on top of the core API. Standard Delphi oop here. New features that I use is extended records which is used by TGVConfigFileVar and the new operator overloading used by the TGVVectorObject class. If there are problems I suspect these would be the two areas that would need some work.

GVApi.pas & GVFramework.pas are both in the distro. If you get a chance let me know if you/what kinds of problems you run into. With your help, I maybe able to get FPC/Lazarus support in.