I think most people who used Delphi know about code completion feature.
that is for example if you put a full stop after a class or a record variable you get a list of available variables and methods of the class/record. Now Delphi assumes that it's doing a good job by verifying the variable type in the context of the expression and filters out inappropriate types. For instance:
  TVec3 = record
    x, y, z: single;
  v: Vec3;
  s: string;
Now if I type "s := v." and press CTRL+SPACE the code completion will not give me a list of variables available in TVec because Delphi thinks that type "single" is not appropriate for assigning to a string but I actually want it to show me a complete list of variables in TVec3. Does anyone know if there is a way to disable the type verification in Delphi, specifically in BDS2006?