I have a few of the bigger units such as the lightmapping, split in to several files and included into 1 unit, i really only do this if the unit is getting to big to keep track of.. i normally prefer not to do this with the smaller units because i just find it a pain to keep track of everything, and delphis code completion does'nt work with the seperate file either (me just being lazy )

I intend to get rid of the initialization blocks at some point soon, specialy now that there is soo many :s (really is a bad habit of mine)

Sadly my entire game & engine does'nt have a single self-sufficient unit (well maybe 2), i have built my engine in a way that i dont need to worry about creating or render *any* part of the engine, all i need to do in the game is create then engine class, initialize it and then load the required data, the engine takes care of everything else, the down side is that when i create an editor i have to include every single file in the game, im sure it is probably bad practice on my part ops: