There are times when if.. else can be better than a bunch of if's though... I've had some extremely complex blocks of if-then's...
And basically, it was like this:
if p1turn = true then begin
if p2turn = true then begin

end else if p3turn = true then begin

end else if p4turn = true then begin

end else if p2turn = true then begin
if p1turn = true then begin

end else if p3turn = true then begin

end else if p4turn = true then begin

end else if p3turn = true then begin
if p1turn = true then begin

end else if p2turn = true then begin

end else if p4turn = true then begin

end else if p4turn = true then begin
if p1turn = true then begin

end else if p2turn = true then begin

end else if p3turn = true then begin


Though thats a much simplified version... All it requires is placing placeholders for the code you need to place so you know what goes where, and it will work fine. It can get very confusing without though :evil: