If I would order the West-Germanic languages in order of grammar complexity, my list would be Afrikaans, English, Dutch, German. For a German speaker, Dutch is "simplified" German with a different dictionary, writing system, and pronounciation. The "mix" of English and Germand impression is due some similarities in their traditional dictionary, i.e. appel versus apple, and because many Dutch are anglophiles nowdays a lot of words are borrowed from English. So yes, Dutch is easy for a German and Germans who have learnt it often speak it very well.

If you go from Dutch to Afrikaans you get a bit of the same impression, it looks like a "simplified" Dutch, with almost the same dictionary and pronounciation. Unlike the Dutch, Afrikaans speaking persons are completely allergic of English words (and also of many words with Latin origin because they sound too English).

Going from Dutch to English is a bit different, while English has a less complex grammar than Dutch, it has, due to its history, developed quite
a few things that are uncommon to the other West Germanic languages.