Quote Originally Posted by WILL
Just a little tip for ya. GDI sucks! Don't use it.

At least if you want A) performance and B) nice clean graphics.

Shortly after the release of Windows 95. Game makers couldn't make too many games 'for Windows' because of the GDI issues. It was just way too slow and not designed for high end graphics at all!

So Microsoft co-created DirectX. Actually I think they took someone else's work and made it their own, remember the beginnings of MS-DOS anyone? Anyhow back on topic. The purpose of DirectX was to get past all the Windows API junk and get right down into using the graphics hardware, much like DirectX and OpenGL does today.

I don't think Vista will change much of this, but you shouldn't be using the GDI at all if you are expecting any kind of performance or nice graphics. It's just not made for that.

Glad to see you've found some comfort with DelphiX though.
I don't liked some things of delphix, its so "default" there is another lib that deserve a try ?

Just to remember my game its a mine sweeper but so the mouse moves vry fast throught the blocks and in every block under the mouse it shows diferently so thats why i need a fast refresh.

PS: sorry again my bad english