First of all, looking forward to the examples, and thanks for reading and helping me out

A few questions in order to get a clear picture, the paddle follows the x,y-coords of the mouse (as in, x,y on paddle is the same as x,y on the mouse?)?
Omega Input is working a bit differently. I dont know how to get the cords from the mouse with omega, but it works like this. Whenever the mouse moves, omegainput gives the amount of pixels it's moved, so by adding the numbers to paddle.X you get it to move. (Kinda hard to explain though )

What about those moving left, and then moving right, those quick changes look abit weird too?

I think I would have created a variable for the paddle called SpeedX and decrease it from 0 when moving left.. and increasing it when moving right.. and then when there is no movement just count back to zero and move it accordingly.
Moving from left to right very quicly is what i want to avoid with friction to add some kind of challenge It will also be there to make the Paddle feel heavy.

I have speed as it is, but the problem is to determine what speed the paddle actually was before it was stopped and apply the friction to that. As the omegainput works the way it does i can get the amount of pixels before it was stopped (before it was 0) and that is what i have worked on. But as this number pretty much never exceeds 1-4 the friction is minimal. I've made it to work by moving the mouse fast, and then relase my hand from it. This makes a number like 15, but who would play like that? =)

So I guess i need to get the speed a bit before it was slown down. When experementing myself i seem to speed down the mousemovement even when doing fast motion before i stop the mouse completly by looking at the numbers i get.

Another problem with this is if you move the mouse slowly and the value i get is 0 the computer thinks i'm not moving the mouse, but to me it feels like moving it slowly, and when this happens my friction kicks in and makes the paddle move faster than i actually move it

It's gonna be a bit of a struggle to get this to work, but i think it's doable