Quote Originally Posted by crackmeal
I've been getting to know this lib recently and demos are fantastic. I plan to use some free time here and there to work on a 2D shooter. So far I have designed my own ship, dropped in a makeshift starfield using an off-screen particle fountain, ship movement, and basic bullets are working.

I'm looking forward to grasping the collision detection, which I understand is even capable of dealing with rotation. Also, I wouldn't mind getting a demo of loading a .phxmap, smoothly scrolling it, etc... though I'm sure this is part of the delay for 1.0 since most of the Tiles stuff I've tested seemed the least polished of the demos.

Andreaz, thanks for creating a such a cool 2D library for Delphi/Pascal. I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward to your next big update.
Yeah, the rotating collisions will be in 1.0, not that shure about the tile engine through, there's alot of considerations for the tiles that i havn't decided yet.

But if there's interest i can release the code-so-far of that one aswell...