Quote Originally Posted by Demonkid43
thank you for the advice and...lighten up a bit
You're welcome.

See, the thing is, I realized there were two ways I could give you the advice not to start with what you were planning.
I could do A) what we always do and write down why you shouldn't create zelda.
This has however been done time and time again, and people take it for granted, write down their thanks and continue to do it anyway and you often never hear from them again.

So instead, I thought I'd try B)
Make a scene first, maybe get you on your nerves a little, but still enough to keep you interested. Then add a fictional discussion of typical questions asked so often here, and add answers that many of us here write down daily. Mix a whole bunch of these together so they not only relate, but also tell a (familiar) story and maybe it will get the point across. (Which I hope it did)

I realize B is not something I should make a habit of doing more often. It could potentially tick new people off, to never visit PGD again. But then again, sometimes you need to try something else, and see what it does.

I this case, I'd like to think it worked out well.