Well, WILL you have a few things wrong but your pretty close .

Delphi 7 was the first Pascal IDE to support .NET compilation, though it was through a bastardized interface that didn't actually compile down to ICL. But, you could develop .NET applications within it.

Chrome was the first Pascal compiler for .NET with TRUE support of the .NET framework and environment. In fact, CodeGear's implementation of Pascal on .NET still isn't considered as full support due to some memory management under the hood.

Delphi was in development by 1993 and was in beta in 1994. It was released late 1994.

Even though you mention that Apple dropped Pascal as the official development language you don't mention when Apple started using it as the official language.

Since your mentioning everyone else, you really should mention Indy. Its been a very strong influencer in Delphi for a long time now.

Since I'm mentioning things that should be listed: Where are Delphi mag, Delphi Developer, and the likes? I'd mention Torry.ru since it was/is a mainstay site.

You forgo SWAG (SourceWare Archive Groups), best I can find on it anymore is: http://www.bsdg.org/SWAG/index.html and http://www.filegate.net/pascal-net/passwag/index.html

I'll have to see if I can lookup some dates for the above. But, I think they would be key players