Well I am not using tdxtimer, I am using threadedtimer

The game is pong, but as I sussed out from the outset, any frame based game will have problems with lower cpu/gcard power., So i always try in time based.

This has me ina problem because if I use NO vsync I haev set to 5 interval, I get 200 fps (since it is only pong) and time based ensures i get correct speed.

because of this DELTATIME is LOW, meaning the ball never comes close to not colliding. When vsync is ON, the limit is 16.6ms (16-17) deltatime and at the fastest ball speed of 1500 Pixels a second, the ball sometimes misses collision detection. Capping at lower than 16.6 will result in unfair advantage and lower speed for those using 60 fps with vsync.

Now if EVERYONES monitor was 100 hz, that would be deltatime of 10 and ebven capped at 15 (incase of slow down or pauses) the collision detection always works.

pong is a bad example since it is not cpu intensive, but you get my point. And time based movement with a 60 hz refresh causes probs when dealing with very fast moving sprites. That is why i want to update the positonal adn collision data as much as possible but only render when necessary, something i am unable to do

How do you avoid this problem when using time mased movement, or would you just stuff it and go frame based