thx, all!

i'm currently trying to solve some other problems in the MORPG, and dont use much time on this mapeditor, as i'm not come to the point of actually loading maps in the client yet. and i still havent desided how to implement collision-checking (as this will be don on the server-side, it complicates things)

I'll see if i can make a better-sized video tomorrow. forgot about my 1920x1200 res btw: another reason to my framerate problems may be my slinghtly defect video-card. a replacement is coming tuesday (thx, Dell XPS service)

a site for the MORPG may be set up when i get the project more stable and i have more to show off than a 2x2 grass map and some choppy animated characters (dunno why they're choppy though... should be straight-forward, but i guess there's some timing-error)

Edit: i'll fix that dll-error asap