Oh please tell me you did NOT skip my awesome double car flip at the end! That was so hard to do. I've not yet been able to repeat it!

But yeah, I was thinking about the length of the second one. A it slower than the first, but I guess it depends on your interest. I found that if I focused on the car alone, it was pretty boring overall, but if I was looking at the detail of the scenery and the off-to-the-side stuff I was enjoying the engine more than the action alone. To each ones own, they say.

I don't really care much for hearing the sound of my voice, so I'm not going to write, practice and record some narrative about the games. Just show them off raw as if you were playing them yourself.

As for the TSS Demo it's self though... I'd love to see someone take the source and make a version where you have cops or something chasing you when you start to crash into stuff.