

Actually, I've decided to say something on this. I find it kind of funny how the majority of the visitors and members here manage to take the time to really look into the flaws of the site and the community portal as a whole, but never EVER offer to help or pitch in to make things better on any capacity at least. Save for a very select few that have in the past.

Now I don't really care so much about those few that get all irate and opinionated. They just make me laugh because I know what they will do for the community as a whole. And they have the right to their opinion as poorly was it was expressed.

The remaining factor is that this is a niche community for a niche (but great, with high potential) programming language. HOWEVER because of this there is still a huge need for those that are willing to provide the support mechanisms for it to grow. ie. community sites and tools and development projects and public commercial efforts, etc...

So... if you have issues with the site, thats fine, but frankly and as honestly as I can put it, unless someone actually offers up some assistance on the matter, you can keep complaining all you like, it isn't getting done.

Besides the point, I've been a 1.75 man show [size=9px](thanks to Dom as he really made up more than his 0.75-ish in gold!)[/size] keeping the site going when I was down. I can't do that anymore so someone else is going to have to step up and help out. PGD's support is shrinking not growing without you guys to help out.

Some of that could be organizing things or redevelopment of the site in such a way that allows for others to offer up some of their free time to help moderate and such, but it takes the people to really care or want to put back into the community. That means YOU! *see me pointing at you*

So by all means make your complaints, they're valid, but consider how useless it is unless someone is there to fulfill all these requests. :roll: