Hmm, since posting last night I've had an idea for improving the realism of the FOV/Lighting calculations. I'll have to try that today and see what I come up with. (I'll share the result of course.) EDIT: Actually, what I was thinking about was the trouble with the lighting being visible through walls, but that doesn't affect the LOS code. It just changes how the map is rendered, and so on. Fixing that is relatively easy though.

Ah, but you're thinking of a map with only one vertical layer. What if I was on top of a building sniping down at you? For that you'd have to be able to tell where you could see down to the area below as well as on your level, so that you could tell where was visible/hitable in the first place. That was why.

I do agree with you about their work. It's really advanced, and like I said some of the best at RGRD, but functionally it's a good example where you can find understanding in their code.