Hi Traveler thanks for the reply. Wow, what a long reply :-) Ok if I think about it I would agree with you, my game is far from completed, a few things still needs to be tweaked. So let’s call it version 0.1. At the moment the big mother ship can’t be shot and there are too many enemy ships from the start, I actually started with 30 and reduced it to 15…maybe I should start with 5 and increase at score of 50 000 etc.

The music, well I have to say that I don’t like it very much myself, it was the only track I could find on the net that sort of resembles a space shooter game. In fact I think it’s a Star-wars theme if I remember correctly. I’ll work on an option to turn music on or off.

The cursor in XP does exactly the same, it’s not visible in the centre but becomes visible at the borders even though I have DXdrawGame.Cursor := crNone. Don’t know why. The reason I kill the fighter sprites near the bottom of the screen is for them not to collide with the player, I’ll think about it.

The rocket animation, well I’m still searching the net for gifs that will give proper animation. I have pixel check off in the game, I’ll do some further tests. The smaller fighters “clone” immediately once one is shot and their “re-appearance” is at random positions.

I knew about the bullets being killed once one collides with an enemy. Problem is that I had bullet.dead in my collision procedure after enemy.dead and this caused eAccess Violation errors, the call to bullet.dead is now in the bullet.move procedure i.e. if (enemy.hit) then dead. I’ll do some further testing.

Thanks for your comments and suggestions The game was initially made for my brothers’ little boy of seven and has evolved into something else.